Women's Ministry Study Notes
Is it okay to be dissatisfied with where we are? Is it good to cry out for more? Is it good to have your eye on the future? Is it right to live with longing? Does your Faith produce expectancy? Spiritual dissatisfaction can ignite right living.
It is vital to our spiritual health to understand who we are in Christ. This study of "I am" helps us as we study God's Design of us.
We can learn from Nehemiah, the cup bearer to King Artaxerxes. His model for prayer is still powerful today.
Leaving Eqypt: Many Christians have settled for a life in Egypt (metaphorically speaking). They have settled for a life of being trapped or limited, because they are more afraid of the unknown than they are of the condition they are living in. What is your Egypt? Someplace that you need God to help you move out of, a place of perceived comfort?
There are hard promises we must keep, difficult roads we must traverse, and painful decisions we must make against our self-interest, all in the interest of loving God and loving others.
Our feelings can be brief. Truth is a lot less fleeting than emotions. Replacing FEELINGS with TRUTH—straight from God's Word.
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John Jones:
Jaimi Jones: